Posts Tagged ‘Koch brothers’

Trumps tax bill is not a boon to you and I! It will put nothing in your pocket, not the middle class or the poor in America. Sure Trump promises it will put $4,000 dollars a year back in your pocket, but that is a bald faced lie. It is not only a lie, but this tax bill is going to cost you big time when you know the truth.

First off economists know that the lion’s share of the tax cut goes to corporations. Well who owns the lion’s share of stock in our corporations, the top 1% and maybe in lesser degree the top 10%! Those little pieces of stock you own are not going to get you squat! So who pays the taxes for corporations, shareholders do! Corporations themselves do not pay taxes, only people pay taxes, despite what a GOP controlled Supreme Court has told you corporations are not people, and only people pay taxes. So this tax cut makes the richest in our country richer, because as shareholders in all the major corporations they will pay a lot less in taxes! I mean that is what they all paid for when they bought their politicians!

You and I, well to start off with the $4,000 dollar boon to you and I is false, a lie. You might see $600 bucks. But in reality you will be paying through the nose. Where to do you think they are going to get the money to give to the rich, I’ll tell you where, from you and me. How, you ask? By getting rid of, or vastly downsizing Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, federal aid to education, food programs, and on and on. Why do you think they want to get rid of the Affordable Care Act so badly, it has nothing to do with healthcare, they could care less about your health! It is because it frees up billions of dollars for this gift to the rich. That is the whole reason the GOP exists right now is to get what the Koch brothers and their ilk paid for, a significantly lower tax on the rich and corporations. They Koch brothers just held a conference in Washington recently to complain about why the GOP has been so slow to get them what they paid for, and they were not even subtle about it! We will not even get into the estate tax, which only comes into play for the very rich, not your average Joe, farmer or rancher, as they would have you believe. It is all a lie that will cost you dearly, not only in your pocketbook, but also in lives as well!

You will notice while Obama was in office the GOP harped on the debt and the deficit constantly. How dangerous it was to increase the debt, and not to decrease the deficit. Even though President Obama did decrease the deficit more than any of the last five Presidents, but the GOP does not talk about that! What do you hear today from the GOP presently, absolutely nothing! The GOP does not talk about the debt and deficit at all! Why? Because this new tax plan and the Presidents budget will add tens of trillions of dollars to the debt! The tax plan alone would reduce federal revenues by $9.5 trillion over its first decade alone! It could increase the national debt by nearly 80 percent of gross domestic product by 2036! And the good ole trickle down theory is the only avenue to pay it back, which we know did not work for Reagan or Bush, or ever for that matter! Now Trump is not a populist. He could care less about the average Jack and Jill, he tells you lies everyday that he does, but lies are his stock in trade! He only cares about amassing power and wealth for himself, and that is all he cares about. Well, and being worshipped by one and all, but that in itself does not cost us anything but our sanity!